The last couple of weeks have brought about a lot of revelations for me. I'm realizing more and more how wasteful I am not only with my money but with my time. I've been really convicted over the last few weeks about how I use the resources God has blessed me with, and I'll be honest..I haven't been real pleased with what I've discovered. I think if tomorrow were the end of my time here, most of my life and the blessings God has poured out on me would have been wasted on pursuing selfish ambition and fulfilling selfish desires. I've decided though, not to spend so much time thinking about what I could have accomplished by now but more on what can I do from here.
I heard the song "I have Decided to Follow Jesus" on an album I downloaded recently and heard it in a whole new way. I've generally considered it a celebration song for new believers, but I think it could be a daily anthem for new to seasoned believers as well. In order for me to make better use of my time, my love, my money, and my life I am going to have to decide to follow Jesus and not look back, with "the cross before me, the world behind me." I feel like so many times God has revealed things like this to me and I've been moved for a moment, but not really moved out of place. I think about it for awhile and it changes a few decisions I make, but I haven't let it REALLY change me or my life. God has been a part of my life for a long time, but I don't know if I can honestly say He has ever been my life...and I'm ready for that to change. I'm tired of the lip service, I'm tired of the empty promises to God, myself, and my peers. I have to decide, right now, what is my life going to be about? About me? About my desires and ambitions? Or about God and serving His people? I think the choice is problem is turning intention into action. But, in the words of another new favorite song, "the time is now."
My Landmark family blew me away yesterday. We had our Advent Consipiracy contribution and it was amazing to see person after person walk to the stage and give from their abundance, give what would have been spent on something meaningless, and literally change the lives of others. I felt like my heart was going to bust wide open yesterday with the love in that room and the love I felt God pouring into my heart. So many times I wish I had "someone" to share that love with, but why hold on to it for a time and relationship that may or may not be a part of my journey? Why not give it away now to those who are desperately seeking God's love?
Anyway, I just got an email this afternoon outlining the donation amounts from yesterday. wow. That's really all I have to say. It is amazing to see what can be done when people are willing to let their hearts move their checkbook. The generosity and the love of the people in my church family will be felt world wide this year, now how cool is that?
"The time is now to hold your sheild.
The time is now to draw your sword.
Let's be the resistance, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord."
Ephesians 2 Talk
13 years ago
Interesting take on an old song. And yes, following the Lord Jesus Christ does not simply involve a one-time decision at the time of conversion. It's a lifestyle marked by daily choices. It involves discerning which way to take on the basis of God's Word, and according to spiritual and eternal values.